1. Varisco screw pump.
- Varisco screw pump is used to pump high viscosity substances, including abrasive solutions with a high ratio of solid particles and trash.
Maximum flow rate up to 400m3 / h.
- Maximum pressure up to 48bar.
- Viscosity up to 1,000,000 cPs.
- Maximum temperature: 180 oC.
- Self-suction capacity up to 7.5m.
2. Varisco screw pump application
- Chemical industry, petroleum: Acid pump (Hot condensed sulfuric acid pump, Acid pump, resin pump, reagent pump, biodiesel pump
- Paint-coating industry: Solvent pumps, ink pumps, paint pumps, color products ...
- Cosmetic industry: soap pump, cream pump, toothpaste pump, shampoo pump, shower gel pump, detergent pump ...
- Paper industry: cellulose pump, glue pump, pulp pump, Patinas pump, starch pump ...
- Ceramics industry: Pumps for ceramic mixtures, clay mud pumps, lime pumps
- Marine: Pumping waste oil mud, sea water, and waste water on board.
- Waste water treatment: raw wastewater pump, mud pump
- Mining: pumping wastewater in mines, pumping mud, pumping lime milk
- Construction industry: Mortar pump, paint pump, concrete pump
- Seafood industry: Sewage pumps, flour pumps, fish oil pumps, ground fish meat pumps
- Agriculture: Pumps for animal feed, pump corn, fodder
- Oil industry: Oil pumps, olive oil pumps
- Producing wine: pumping mixture of grapes, pumping wine
- Food industry: Pumping tomatoes, pumping fruit powder, pumping green vegetables products, pumping dairy products.
- Manufacture of cakes: Pumping flour, pumping chocolate, pumping ice cream
- Beverage industry: Pumping of fruit syrup, pumping alcohol, pumping fruit juice ...
- In slaughterhouses: Pumping ground meat, pumping secretions, pumping mixture of bones and ground meat
- Sugar production: Molasses pump, alcohol pump, ethanol pump
3. Varisco screw pump advantages
- Pump has stable flow. The pump flow is proportional to the pump speed and does not depend on the pump pressure.
- Smooth flow, does not create pressure or vibrate the pipeline.
- Reversal: when reversing the direction of rotation, the flow will be reversed.
- Self-priming: Varico screw pump is capable of self-priming quickly because the pump creates a high vacuum.
- Silver rubber makes pumping more flexible.
- Varisco screw pumps are easily maintained and inexpensive.

4. Varisco screw pump specifications

Some actual photos at the warehouse of ÁNH MINH LONG Company

- ANH MINH LONG CO., LTD specializes in importing and distributing all kinds.